Laminam è una realtà consolidata del Gruppo System. СВАЛИ КАТАЛОГ В PDF ФОРМАТ. Described as a skin for contemporary architecture, this material teams reduced thickness and large size with high resistance to mechanical stresses. It is also resistant to chemicals, . Is a Russian company which is going to produce ultra-thin ceramic tiles with their thickness starting from mm and size reaching 1.
The company has designed the first very large format slab with a thickness of just 3mm that can be used in previously unthinkable applications. Manufactured with unique technology,. Installation and cost advantages are major differentiators. Waldrep shares a few projects that . Franco Stefani, an innovator in the ceramic industry, wanted to develop, leading to the invention of this product and the creation of the technology needed to manufacture it.
We started out with a patent protecting the technology used to make large yet slim ceramic . DISCLAIMER: All granite or marble slabs are produced from natural stone that has been quarried from mountains all over the world.
As a natural product they are prone to variations in color, pattern and density. As a result all pictures and images provided on our site should be treated as representational . Graffiti resistant, hygienic. Showroom – Klöpfer Laminam.
More information will be online soon. LAMINAM by CROSSVILLE has developed a new concept in surfaces with universal potential and versatility that adds new value to the building, architecture , and interior design world. Find out the intervention we carried out, the solutions adopte products used and much more.
They offer priceless millimetres of extra space for the hands of skilled workers, providing them with more creative freedom than ever before. These surfaces are designed for the world of furnishings, . Free step-by-step journey directions and updated timetables for Bus, Train in Fiorano Modenese. Watch the video below for a wall panel installation. The showroom also hosted special workshops for children in accordance with the Bruno Munari metho and welcomed students from design schools invited to do their work in the “shop window”.
The slabs treated with Hydrotect are an innovative type of . Large surfaces with exceptional performance. Cujus quidem adhaefiomis nullæ caufae purè Mechanicæ ac corporeae fe offerunt in hoc Experimento praeter motum particularum magneticarum, quæ venientes ab Auftrali Mag-.
A, per laminam chalybeam CD inflexae .