Ytong autoclaved aerated concrete is a brand of the century: One of the strongest brands in the building materials market, that has long been a guarantee for the best thermal insulation in the area of masonry and solid quality, numbers among the premium group of top German products. At the same time, it represents the . Certifikované stavební společnosti. Hledáte spolehlivou stavební firmu či řemeselníky na realizaci staveb ze stavebního systému Ytong ? Pravidelně proškolujeme stavební řemeslníky.
Ti nejlepší z nich, obdrží certifikát TZUSu společnosti Xella Česká republika.
Vi optager på den lokation du helst vil, alt vores udstyr. The Building Materials Business Unit sells autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) and calcium-silicate units to the construction industry, under the brands Ytong , Hebel, Multipor and Silka. In raw materials, the company sells lime and limestone under the Fels brand for steel manufacturers, the construction industry and the . Ytong Porenbeton und Multipor Mineraldämmplatten sind mineralische und ökologische Baustoffe und damit bestens geeignet für wohngesundes Bauen. Ytong si MULTIPOR au game de materiale de constructii pentru zidarie si izolare termica gandite pentru eficienta si durabilitate. Descopera site-ul nostru!
Hľadáte spoľahlivú stavebnú firmu či remeselníkov na realizáciu stavieb so stavebného systému YTONG ? Tí najlepší z nich, obdržia certifikát TSUSu a spoločnosti Xella Slovensko. Ytong is een volledig bouwsysteem waarmee elke woning van kelder tot dak kan opgetrokken worden.
Het biedt een antwoord op alle moderne vereisten voor het bouwen van uw woning. Het voldoet zonder problemen aan de EPB isolatie- eisen en is het ideale product om constructies met EPB-aanvaarde bouwknopen op . Mitarbeitern, mit Werken in Ländern und mit Vertriebsorganisationen in rund Ländern aufgestellt. Die Xella Gruppe ist international mit etwa 6. Il Calcestruzzo Aerato Autoclavato o Cellulare di Ytong è un prodotto naturale ad altissime prestazioni: leggero, isolante, resistente e facile da lavorare. De Ytong Bouwwijzer maakt je wegwijs bij de verwerking van Ytong blokken.
The Xella Group develops, manufactures and markets building and insulation materials and dry lining panels. The Multipor brand stands for non-flammable mineral insulation . Ytong aerated concrete is a brand of the century: Now, one of the strongest brands in the building materials market, that has long been a guarantee for the best thermal insulation and solid quality. Ytong is internationally known as the brand for blocks and panels in the aerated concrete market.
More information on aerated . The highly insulating Aerated Concrete blocks can be used for outher load bearing walls with thin bed layer mortar, or non load bearing walls with thin bed layer mortar. Product information on C2C product Innovation institute. Cennik hurtowy produktów Ytong , Silka, Multipor.